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May 2017 - Another Opportunity for Potential Life

Report #27 - April 2017

The Renown TRAPPIST-1 Planetary System 

On the mission to finding a habitable exoplanet, scientists embark on not one, but at least seven Earth-size planets orbiting a Jupiter-sized ultra-cool star! This system is known as TRAPPIST-1, and it's quickly becoming an exciting new prospect for the search for biology outside our solar system. It's likely you've already heard of the planetary system, but below are links to explaining in greater detail everything you need to know about TRAPPIST-1, from its seven planets to its host star, TRAPPIST-1A. 

TRAPPIST-1 Specifications: 

Distance from the solar system: 39 light years

Constellation: Aquarius 

Star: TRAPPIST-1A, an ultra-cool star that is over 3000°C cooler and 12 times less massive than our sun  

Why "TRAPPIST-1?" The TRAPPIST-1 system was named after the telescope that discovered it, known as the TRAnsiting Planets and Planetesimals Small Telescope. 

Learn more about the discovery of TRAPPIST-1:

The Seven Planets

Of the seven planets discovered in the TRAPPIST-1 system, three are believed to be in the "habitable zone" for potential life. More specifically, planets 1e, f, and g, are located within an acceptable distance from TRAPPIST-1A to have favorable temperatures to support liquid water, which is a massive step towards finally finding another planet outside our solar system that can house life. 

Find out more about TRAPPIST-1's habitable zone and why the other remaining four planets 1b, c, d, and h aren't great candidates for potential life:

Curious about each planet in the TRAPPIST-1 system? Learn more about them, from their orbital periods to their densities here:

An illustration of the habitable zone of TRAPPIST-1 compared to our solar system. 

Get Excited for TRAPPIST-1!

Since the release of its discovery, TRAPPIST-1 has attracted the interest and attention of many. It's even been a source of inspiration for several artists and writers! Below is a link to several stories and art created by those who can't get enough of TRAPPIST-1.



An artist's interpretation of the surface of one of the three planets in the TRAPPIST-1 system's habitable zone. 

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