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Astronomy is a complex subject that can be very confusing. Average citizens are oblivious to today's discoveries and developments about our universe, and, as a result, interest in the field has decreased and fallen to an all-time- low. Mission Messier is to cure the public's ignorance about Space through several easy-to-understand, captivating, important reports posted monthly to notify the public about important advancements in research regarding our cryptic universe. Such reports contain research content and photos generated by NASA and other research centers that do well to inquire and explain how the universe works. 

Devised Directly from NASA's Voyager Spacecrafts 

If SC Messier were a real spacecraft, it would be an exact replica of NASA's Voyayer 1 and 2 spacecrafts. Being identical to the Voyager spacecrafts, SC Messier would be bulit to withstand the phsyical conditions of interstellar space, enabling it, if need be, to travel outside our solar system to study astronomical phenomenons and receive signals from spacecrafts further from Earth faster than ever before. 


However, as of now, the duty of this website is to help bring you published research reports from sources such as NASA's Visualization Explorer. SC Messier's goal is to make your reading experience easy and understandable, posting simple reports perodically.

NASA Spacecrafts Voyayer 1 and 2

Why "Messier?" 

Charles Messier
Part of Charles Messier's Catalog. 

Being the reporter of the universe, this spacecraft took after the name of Charles Messier, a French astronomer who had a love for comets. This astronomer discovered over a hundred deep space objects, including different galaxies, comets, and nebulae. With his discoveries, in 1774, he published a catalog that housed a list of all the different galaxies and celestial bodies he discovered in his time. The discoveries of Charles Messier are what essentially inspired the establishment of this website, thus it was named "Spacecraft Messier" in memory of Charles Messier and his great discoveries. 

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