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August 2016 - Mars + Water?

Report #18 - July 2016

Spacecraft Juno Meets Jupiter

1.7 billions miles later, NASA's Juno Spacecraft finally falls into orbit with Jupiter on July 4th, 2016. For the next 20 months, Juno will remain around the largest planet in our solar system, collecting data about Jupiter's atmosphere and gravitation and magnetic fields. Why? Discovering the composition of the planet's atmosphere—whether or not it contains water and ammonia—will determine if Jupiter's core is solid. This fact alone will unlock several answers to many enigmatic questions, such as how the planet itself and the rest of the solar system was formed!

Find out more about Juno's orbit into Jupiter:


Find out what Juno plans to achieve on its 20-month mission:

An Artist's interpretation of Juno orbiting Jupiter

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